5 Types of Facebook Ads Formats

There are five types of Facebook ad formats:

Tanzeel ul Rehman
3 min readApr 19, 2023

1. Image
File type: JPG or PNG
Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
File size: 30MB
Facebook image ads allow users to create visuals with static images to drive action.

Here are secrets to optimizing your Facebook image ads:
· Show examples of customers using your product.
· Try to avoid text. Remember, less is more.
· Stick to a consistent theme if you’re running multiple ads.
· Always use high resolution images.

2. Video
File type: MP4, MOV, or GIF
Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
Fie size: 4GB
Video duration: 1 second to 241 minutes
Facebook video ads give businesses a chance to showcase their brand in sound and motion. These can be seen in-stream, feed, or stories. You also have the option to create a slideshow.

Here are secrets to optimizing your Facebook video ads:
· Showcase a unique feature, product, or service.
· You want to tell your story.
· Keep the audience engaged with 15 seconds or less.
· Stick to one message per video. Ask yourself: What action do you want them to take?

3. Carousel
File type: JPG or PNG
Video file type: MP4, MOV, or GIF Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
Number of cards: 2-10
Image file size: 30MB Video file size: 4GB
Facebook carousel ads allow you to display up to 10 images or a video in a single ad. Each image receives its own link.

Here are secrets to optimizing your Facebook carousel ads:
· Choose a different product on each image pair, each product image with its own landing page link.
· Tell a compelling story that pushes people to swipe for a more interactive format.
· Explain a step-by-step process of how a product or service works.

4. Instant Experience
Image type: JPG or PNG
Video file type: MP4 or MOV
Size: 1080 pixels x 1920 pixels
Images supported: Up to 20 images Instant Experience
Facebook ads pair with collection ads. Users can watch videos, swipe through carousels, and shop for products in your catalog.

Here are secrets to optimizing your Facebook collection ads:
· Try to not autoplay two videos at once.
· It could cause multiple playback issues.
· Skip the captions for videos with Instant Experience ads.
· If you’re using the title-to-pan feature, add a CTA to let users know they can tilt to see more.

5. Collection
Image type: JPG or PNG
Video file type: MP4, MOV, or GIF Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels I
mage file size: 30MB
Video file size: 4GB
Facebook collection ads are paired with Instant Experience ads. The collection ad serves a cover photo or video and four product photos. When a user clicks on a photo, a landing page pops-up to drive that Instant Experience feature.

Here are secrets to optimizing your Facebook collection ads:
· You can allow Facebook to dynamically choose which products you want shown. It saves time in the long run.
· Try to stick to product categories with more than 50 products. Facebook forces you to pair a minimum of 4 products, but with the dynamically chosen options, Facebook will serve the most popular or highest likelihood to be purchased.
· Always include a URL parameter to track ad data.



Tanzeel ul Rehman

maliktanzeelawan8@gmail.com feel free to discuss online earning methods. I'm multi talented person with different skills.